05.01.2018 – 10.01.2018
5/1/2019 Mrs. P. Suma, Primary Teacher, Kendriya Vidyalaya, Minambakkam
delivered a lecture on importance of language skill and the different careers
that can be
Career guidance was the
central theme of the early guidance movement and consisted of helping the
individual choose a suitable vocation.
taken up.
She began the session by discussing the relationship between ability,
interest and career. She explained how ability plays an important role in being
successful in a career mentioned translator, Interpreter, language teacher,
journalist, tourist guide careers. She then went into details of careers
available in tourism and hospitality sector for students who have a flair for
languages. Using a Powerpoint Presentation she explained the different jobs
that could be taken up based on the Educational qualification, the remuneration
and the mode of entry into each job. She spoke about the different career
options in Airlines, Railways and Road transport both within the country and
abroad. She illustrated facts with
examples so that students could understand properly. She. She then enumerated
the career- options for those who are good at languages. She mentioned that
taking up certificate courses in Foreign Languages could help them to take up
jobs abroad. She concluded by stressing that career has to be chosen taking
into consideration the interest, ability, socio-economic background and the location
where the family lives.

7/1/19 –The morning session was conducted by Dr.
Chandra Mohan (defence clinical psychologist) and his team of students.
He counselled the students about their mental
capacity personality traits and job interests as part of career. Guidance based
on the inputs derived from the various psychological tests conducted.

Session details:
8/1/19 - Morning session - 16 personality factor
(16PF) questionnaire to assess students interest and attitude.
Questionnaire method was employed by using
"16PF question form CAD to assess the ability testing.
Form CAD are frequently used in occupational
selection work.
Following instructions were given.
"This booklet consist of some question to
see what interest an attitude you have. There is no right or wrong
answers." Answer them exactly and truly to get the best results.
The questionnaire was scored according to the
scoring key.
The interpretation and description of low scores
and high scores were given.
It helps the student to choose a job which fits
in with his personality characteristics
Afternoon session - SPI - Standard progressive
matrices to assess student’s mental capacity
SLM has 5 sets with 12 problems each and problems
become progressively more difficult. The students were made to sit comfortably
and the first page of the booklet was shown to them. The following instructions
were given. "Look at this (Pointing to each in turn) Is it the right shape
to fit to the space do they not all complete the pattern. The student
instructed to point to the correct piece. The patterns are simple in the
beginning but harder as they go on. No assistance given to the students after
the instructions.
The responses are scored with the help of the
scoring key.
TIS - Thurstones interest schedule to assess job
Intentional interest is the fourth way of
collecting information about or assessing an individual's interests
Thurstone interest schedule aim to study a person
systematically to understand his/her vocational interests.
The schedule consists of a single sheet of paper,
which is divided into ten rows and ten colors. In each of the one hundred boxes,
there is printed a pair of occupations and the subject is asked to mark his
preference in each box, the ten scores in the profile represent relative
interest in ten vocational fields.
These are
PS - Physical Science
BS - Biological Science
C - Computation
B - Business
E - Executive
P - Persuasive
L - Linguistic
H - Humanitarian
A - Artistic
M - Musical
The following instruction
given to students " In this schedule you are asked to express your
preferences for different occupations. The occupations are given in Pair and
you are asked to check them to indicate your preferences. In each comparison,
assume that There is no difference is income or prestige.
Afternoon session
- Assessment
scoring done by the doctor's scholars
9/1/19 – The morning session was conducted by Dr.
Chandra Mohan to assess the anxiety level of 12 standard students through STAT
(state- trait anxiety test)
STAT to assess the state and trait anxiety of the
Booklets distributed to student’s administration
and scoring of the STAT was simple and straight forward instructions were read
loud by the instructor.
The scoring procedure in STAT is very objective
and simple.
Answer sheets were collected and the results
discussed during interaction with students.
Depending upon student’s anxiety level, suggestion
given to them to reduce their anxiety.
Relaxation technique discussed with children.
Dr. Khausali Manikandan taught about Meditation
and educated the children how to control the body and mind through relaxation.
9/1/19 - 1) Interpretation 2) Interaction
Personal counselling given to them depends upon
their scoring. It helps students to develop a vision and study for a purpose.
10/1/19 – Programme conducted by NSDC by Pradhan Mantri
Kusha Kendra.
Vocational preference schedule questionnaire
career by discovery will help to identity careers and help to find out who they
are and put them on a path to career well-being.
sheets collected and discussed about occupational personality score. Assessments
help to match their personality to complete environments like whether their
interests come under realistic, investigate or artistic, social or enterprising
or conventional. The programme helped them to understand their intellectual
level, interests and decide their higher studies and career.
The Following Session were conducted from
05.01.19 to 10.01.19
Conducted By
XI A, B, C
XI A, B, C
DR. Chandra Mohan &
XI A, B, C
XI A, B, C
XI A, B, C
NS DC by Pradhan Mantri
Kusha Kendra
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