On 26th of September 2018, class XII Science-Stream students of Kendriya Vidyalaya Minambakkam visited CSIR-CLRI. The institute, located in CLRI, was vast and beautiful, filled with dazzling colours of nature. About 70 students, learnt the importance of industries' growth for the welfare of the nation. They were initially taken to Labs where spell-binding experiments like behaviour of a superconductor in magnetic field and many more were performed.
Children also had the opportunity to view the process of how leather was manufactured via live demonstration. Later, they had the chance of interacting with students of other Kendriya Vidyalayas. The students enjoyed the trip and were benefited by the excellence of CSIR in science and technology relating to leather.
Children also had the opportunity to view the process of how leather was manufactured via live demonstration. Later, they had the chance of interacting with students of other Kendriya Vidyalayas. The students enjoyed the trip and were benefited by the excellence of CSIR in science and technology relating to leather.