Tuesday, 20 December 2016


Due to  VARDHA cyclone (12.12.2016) the trees around the campus, in the playground and staff quarters of this Vidyalaya are uprooted. Some uprooted trees have totally damaged both the school stage also.㉂




Saturday, 3 December 2016


SEMINAR  ON 02.12.2016

Mrs.K.V.Seethalakshmi  , PGT Chemistry of  this Vidyalaya  conducted a seminar on  Effect of Vedic Instances in enhancing the teaching Learning  Process of Chemistry - "Vedic Chemistry" on 02.12.2016 in the A.V.Room.She was bestowed with :National Incentive Award" for above topic. It was also presented in NCERT , NewDelhi during Sanskrit Week Celebration.

Mrs.A.Jyothi  PGT English conducted an Interactive session on “Stress Management “  on 02.12.2016. 

Stress has come to be accepted and viewed by people as a necessary ingredient of life.  Though a little degree of stress encourages and is helpful in performance, stress when it becomes a cause of anxiety has to be got rid of.  Stress is detrimental to our health, performance and personality. For all these reasons and more, stress is generally considered as harmful.
How about changing our perspective about stress? When an individual is under stress, his or her heart pounds and races may have head ache or shiver or break into sweat. These are signs of anxiety.  What if we understand this process by its true nature?  What if we look at it as our body preparing itself to surmount a challenge?  - Our heart working hard to keep us alive, quick breathing as an effort of our body to take in more oxygen.  This perception would help us view stress as less inimical.
The pituitary gland secrets a hormone called oxytocin.  This hormone is a stress hormone. It is amazing to know that our body has an inbuilt mechanism to protect us from adverse instances. This hormone is secreted in plenty on socialization. Our heart has receptors for this hormone.  So in moments of stress, when an individual, rather than bottling up his emotions, socializes, he induces the supply of oxytocin, which has the power to repair and regenerate cells of our heart and keeps the blood vessels free from contraction and thus, averting a heart attack and increasing our longevity!
Let’s understand that stress is not all that bad. Our perception about has to change. Our body has a beautiful mechanism to cope it. Being empathetic, compassionate, taking care of people and the neighbourhood can go a long way in reducing the risk of premature death. More importantly, our jobs are demanding and stress is inevitable. So it wise to infuse a sense of purpose and meaning to the tasks done and work on our self-belief to overcome the stress that is likely to follow.
Mrs. A. Jyothi
PGT (English)


The Shaala Darphan Login credentials and the Attendance module was explained by the  Mr.Dhanush Kumar , DEO  and Miss.Indumathi to the staff members  on 01.12.2016



Friday, 2 December 2016



Tuesday, 29 November 2016



An example
2 reasons
2 results
2 solutions
Excessive dumping of wastes along the road sides
Casual attitude,
Inefficient disposal systems.
, Diseases
Introduction of scientific and easier disposal systems.
Monitoring of the agencies
Less interest in studies
Dropping grades
Distraction – social network, gadgets
Domestic problems
Poor prospects of Higher education

Career counselling
Parental counselling
Drink & drive
Disregard for rules
Unsafe roads
Casual Attitude
Increase in the number of vehicles
Enforcement of law, punishment, widening of roads, construction of flyovers.
Child labour
Children working in hotels, mechanic shops, factories
Health hazards
Exploitation, discrimination
Free and ;compulsory education
Each one teach one programme

Enforcement of laws

ARTICLE WRITING/ SPEECH: 1+4+2 ½ +2 ½ =10 Marks
Topic : Simple, can be extracted from the question input : ½ mark
Writer: Name as provided in the Question or ABC if not given
Introduction in case of a speech delivered in the morning assembly or on any other occasion: Address the gathering with a greeting, conclude with a note of thanks.
Introductory sentence
Why (Reasons)
Impact/ consequences
Solution /
Remedial action
Concluding sentence
Input + Corruption is a cancer to the well -being of the society.
Politicians, Government officers, seen at all levels
Greed for material prosperity and for power
Persistence of inequalities in the society- poor become poorer and the rich, richer
Hinders the progress of the nation
An abominable  scar on the image of the country

strict judiciary
amendment in the electoral process
economic/financial reformation

Stop corruption to build the nation.

REPORT WRITING: 1 ( Topic+ reporter)+4+2 ½ +2 ½
Opening sentence
+ input
What, when, where
Who, How
Impact + closing sentence
Special days
These days remind us of the  verse Water, Water everywhere not a drop to drink.+ input
What – input
When refer dates
Where – venue: school premises,/auditorium/ assembly ground…
Who: spl guest (Mr/Mrs…. Appreciated the efforts and emphasized the need to …….. (refer the input)+ participants
How: Skit on the theme ( refer the input)
Competitions: poster making/ slogan writing/ speech.. prizes were distributed
Name ….. said “This day is an eye opener to the …..(input
) Pamphlets were distributed.
It is immensely felt that it is time for the educated to lead from the front to mitigate the problem / to take the country ahead.

Textual points
(10% of writing)
Taken as an example
Global points
(90% of writing)
My Mother at 66

Helplessness of the poet – unable to take care of her mother because of her career demands
Major idea:- Ageing and separation – inevitable
Sub idea:- Changing relationship – career & personal preferences
An elementary school classroom in a slum
Slum – miserable living conditions, poverty, diseases, despair
Social inequalities / injustice
Education can bring the deprived and the down trodden to the main stream of the society.  It is the greatest of all equalizers.
Keeping quiet
Man leads a hurried, hasty life leading to unimaginable destruction
Exploitation of nature
Greed, selfishness
Brotherhood, essential unity
Evils of war and destruction
A thing of beauty
Erosion of values in the society due to immoral life- unhappiness or sorrow
Nature is the permanent source of joy
Aunt Jennifer’s tigers
Male dominated society
Customs of marriage & marriage law
Women discrimination, abuse

Women empowerment
The last lesson
Procrastination of learning, sent children to field ( child labour)
Time & opportunities once lost can never be regained
Mother tongue is a key to one’s freedom, it our identity
Lost Spring
Tradition, superstitions, illiteracy
Saheb’s and Mukesh’s dreams – to be his own master, to be a motor mechanic
Child labour, poverty, corruption,,exploitation
Deep water
Self -learning to overcome fear and build confidence
Professional help and training
All one has to fear is fear itself
There is peace in death.
Rat trap
Hatred, greed
Love and Compassion can transform people.
Self –reliance
Civil disobedience
The higher law – conscience
Unity, fearlessness
Plight of farmers
high handedness of the zamindars and the britishers
Indian independence struggle
Going places
Relationship – family, social
World of fantasy, hero worship - teenagers
Tiger king
Astrology- influence and belief
Personal interest over public interest
Self –conceit : prove the astrologer wrong, goes on a hunting spree
Disregard for wild life- a cow could be killed in self-defence, mindless hunting of tiger - extinction
Corruption – bribery – to avert the danger to the throne
Role of a ruler/ king – serve people and protect his kingdom and lives in it.
The enemy
Prejudice – Americans treat Sadao – no lodging
War- breeds hatred
Self -interest – General- forgot to send his assassins
Professionalism- saved the life of the POW
Humanism over patriotism
Should wizard hit mommy?
Parenting- Mother is always right
Self-identity- acceptance by the peer more important than one’s identity
Peer influence- change in one’s basic identity
Independent thinking
Generation gap – Jo wants the wizard to hit the mommy for making Roger skunk smell fowl again.
On the face of it
Discrimination – the handicapped: they can’t be a part of the whole
Counseling- Lamb’s advice to Derry
Resignation – acceptance of reality- concentrate on other strengths
Beauty – internal
Optimism- life is complete, wok on your strengths to progress in life, pay a deaf ear to other’s remarks and opinion
Self – pity is more corrosive than acid.

Evans tries an O level

Inefficiency , corruption
Memories of childhood
Customs and practices- short hair (mourners and cowards
Fearlessness, resist surrender and fight for your identity
Marginalization- tribal are uncivilized and barbaric
Discrimination: untouchability
Prejudice: Tight clothing  and shingled hair -
Education: equalizer

·         The Invisible Man is a Science-fiction, a tragic story of Mr. GRIFFIN, a brilliant scientist who  turns into a perverted, eccentric scientist, and ultimately becomes a psychopath.
·         Devoted to research into optics and invents a way to become invisible by using the reflective & refractive Index formulae of the optics.
·         The formula entails taking opium and another drug, which make his blood clear, then processing him in a radiator engine.
·         He invents a way to change his body’s refractive index to that of air so that it absorbs & reflects no light thus becomes invisible.
·         He succeeds in becoming invisible, but he finds himself unable to reverse the process.
·         To become visible and to protect his body from weather changes, he wears a long-sleeved, thick coat and gloves, his face hidden entirely by bandages except for a pink nose and wide brimmed hat.
·         To do experiment for retrieving his visibility he arrives at the local inn of the English village of lping in West Sussex of London.
·         He stays in an inn names “Coach and Horses Inn,” run by Mrs Hall.
·         Mr. Griffin, the invisible man likes to be alone, spending most of his time in the room working with chemicals and lab apparatus, ventures out only at night.
·         People in lping get suspicious of his strange, excessively reclusive, irascible and unfriendly behavior.
·         He steals money from house  Mr. Bunting, a vicar (priest) to pay for his lodging bill
·         When his landlady, Mrs Hall demands him to pay his bill and accuses of burglary, he reveals part of his invisibility and scares her.
·         When people chase him to capture, he undresses and flees.
·         After that he encounters a tramp, Thomas Marvel.
·         He coerces him to be his assistant and help him to get back his notes, records of his experiments.
·         When Mr.Marvel attempts to betray him, he chases him to kill.
·         Marvel escapes and enters Jolly Crickets,a pub, shouting for help.
·         The people in the pub save him, An American in the pub shoots at the invisible man.
·         The invisible man gets injured his arm and leaves the place while escaping from Jolly Cricketers pub, which was in the seaside town of Port Burdock.
·         He enters a nearby house which happens to be Dr. Kemp’s house, who happens to be his old acquaintance.
·         Griffin, the invisible man tells Dr. Kemp the story of his invisibility, how he burnt down the boarding house, how he was responsible for his father’s death, his perverted or psychopathic ways of stealing food and clothes from a departmental store.
·         He asks Dr. Kemp to join him to exploit and terrorize the nation by using his invisibility.
·         Dr.Kemp reveals it to Colonel Adye, the chief of Police in the town of Port Burdock.
·         Dr. Kemp makes a plan to use himself a bait to trap the invisible man.
·         Griffin gets furious at Dr. Kemp’s betrayal and breaks into Kemp’s house to avenge.
·         He shoots and injures a local policeman who comes to Kemps’ aid.
·         Dr. Kemp escapes towards the town where local citizens come to his aid.
·         Griffin is seized, assaulted and killed by a mob.
·         Griffin, the invisible man naked, battered body gradually becomes visible as he dies.
·         Griffin, brilliant scientist who has carried out extremely successful experiments in physics and chemistry becomes a victim of his greed for wealth and power.

2. Important characters in the story:

1) Mr. Griffin- the Invisible Man
2) mr. Kemp- his acquaintance at the university
3) Mr and Mrs Hall- the innkeepers of Coach and Horses
4) Col. Adye- Chief of Police
5) mr. Thomas Marvel- the tramp and aide of the invisible man
6) mr.Cuss-  A doctor
7) constable Jaffers- a police man
8) mr. Bunting- Vicar

3)Character sketch of the Invisible Man :
Value points: Extremely intelligent - Selfish and self-centred   - Insensitive - Hot tempered - Short sighted Impulsive – Cruel – Unemotional – Ruthless - Little regard for law or rules - strong
4) The formula for Invisibility :
v  A body has to absorb, refract or reflect light to be visible
v  Very thin sheet of glass is hardly visible in water or a denser liquid but powered glass is visible because the reflecting and refracting surfaces increase
v  A transparent thing becomes invisible if you put it in a medium of same refractive index
v  Body parts of man, paper, cotton are made of transparent material. Fill up the gaps between one can make it transparent by putting him between two radiators with mild radiations.
v  BY decolourising the pigments in the body
v  A man can become invisible if hi refractive Index is the same as that of the air

Refractive Index:-The ratio of the velocity of light in a vacuum to its velocity in a specified medium

5)Factors leading to his discovery
v  Curiosity of Mrs Hall & her interfering nature
v  Her observations and gossiping
v  The nature of his work aroused curiosity
v  His encounters with the village people
v  Their speculations
v  The burglary at the Vicarage
v  The ghostly experience of Mrs Hall
v  Mrs Hall’s revolt forces him to come out in the open
v  The Invisible man’s attack on the villagers unveils the mystery
6) The Invisible Man tells his story :
v  The Invisible man( Mr.Griffin) reveals his identity to his old acquaintance Mr. Kemp at University College
v  He explains his invention of  the formula for invisibility
v  His robbery of his Dad’s money that led his father’s suicide
v  His experiments with the cat and on himself
v  His problems with the landlord
v  His experiences as the invisible man
v  The descriptions of his crimes and his callousness
v  The Invisible Man’s grotesque plan for terrorising people with Mr. Kemp’s help
v  Mr Kemp’s treachery and the Invisible Man’s escape
7) The Invisible Man’s death :
v  Mr Kemps ideas to trace, corner and capture the Invisible Man
v  The Invisible Man threatens to kill Mr Kemp
v  The Invisible attacks the Police and Mr Kemp
v  Mr Kemps frantic struggle to escape
v  The Invisible Man’s encounter with the Mob
v  His death and appearance of his body
8)  Factors which lead to the Invisible Man’s downfall :
v  His failure to consider the other side of the coin-the practical problems of being invisible
v  His little regard for the law- the thefts and the attacks on people
v  His temperament
v  His revealing of his secrets to Mr Kemp
v  The desperation of Mr Kemp
9.Mr Marvel’s woes :
v  Thomas Marvel, the tramp,  meets the invisible Man
v  the Invisible Man  roughs up the tramp a bit  to convince the tramp of his existence
v  The Invisible Man seeks  Mr marvel’s help to  procure his  books and money
v  Mr Marvel helps the Invisible Man to retrieve his books and money from the inn
v  Mr Huxter is attacked by the Invisible man when he tries to catch Mr Marvel
v  Mr. Cuss, doctor  and -Mr Banting the Vicar go through the Invisible Man’s books
v  A number of villagers get injured in the process of capturing the Invisible Man
v  The Invisible bullies Mr Tramp
v  Thomas Marvel, the tramp, escapes the clutches of Invisible Man
v  The Invisible Man is injured in the tussle with the police
v  The Invisible Man reaches the house of Mr Kemp, his old acquaintance to save himself.
Q1. Compare and contrast Griffin and Kemp.  After all, they were both scientists. Then, why did Kemp turn out to be different from Griffin?  Is Kemp less isolated than Griffin?
Value Points
v  Kemp and Griffin were both scientists, but Kemp was Griffin’s opponent.
v  Both wanted recognition for their scientific achievements.
v  Dr. Kemp was senior to Griffin and both studied in the same college. However, he was not prone to violence or fits of insanity; speculative and kept rational.
v  Griffin was the archetype of the man who isolated himself from society to purse a fierce ambition and lost his humanity.
v  Griffin is the protagonist as the entire story revolves around him and he plays role of the antagonist of the novel, too because of anti-social elements.
v  Kemp was less isolated as he was well off.
v  Griffin is shockingly obsessed with the basic human needs: food, clothing and shelter
v  He encounters all the tribulations of the uninhibited individual in the modern enlightened world

Q2. Elucidate the statement: ‘Griffin is the representative of science without humanity,’ in the light of    his character as portrayed in the novel.
Value points:  Griffin is a scientist without humanity
v  Griffin becomes so obsessed with his remarkable experiments.
v  Brings death to his father when he runs out of money
v  Turns from scientist to fanatic
v  Griffin at no time expresses any repentance for the crimes.
v  Merely laments in frustration over not having considered the drawbacks of invisibility
v  Goes from obsession to fanaticism to insanity in his quest for unleashed power
v  Villagers are particularly upset by the fact of his never going to church on  Sundays
Q3. Discuss the problems that Griffin faces due to his invisibility.
v  Susceptible to nature’s ailments: catches cold because of nudity
v  Sneezes and coughs reveal his presence
v  Finds difficult
v  Cannot be eat in public place with his hollow mouth
v  Covering his whole body creates curiosity in others and thus becomes a subject of interest for discussion
v  Cannot have friends; remains lonely
v  Difficulty in doing jobs like withdrawing money, shopping etc.
v  Cannot lead an ordinary life
v  Cannot escape slipping through crowd
v  Foot prints and blood stains will reveal his presence
Q4. Discuss the characteristics of the rural as well as urban community as exposed in ‘The Invisible Man.’ What differences do you come across between the both through your reading of the novel?
Value points: The Iping Community is shown as a close-knit community
·         People are in the habit of poking their noses in each and everybody’s affairs.
·         Wells treats the villagers comically, making us laugh at their conventionality and irrationality
·         Mrs. Hall is an embodiment of a typical inn-keeper who is driven by selfish monetary interest only and refused to look beyond that
·         People live together without having anything in common
To be invisible in London means to be lost in sea of people with no authentic roots or community that turns a man into an insolvent being
Q5.“One thing is indispensable,” said Bunting, drawing up a chair next to that of Cuss.  “There have certainly been very strange things happening in Iping during the last few days very strange.  I cannot, of course, believe in this absurd invisibility story.”  How would you react to an invisible man or woman?  Do you think the people in Iping reacted realistically?
Value points:   People in Iping were superstitious.
v  Their lives were disrupted by the ominous figure of the Invisible man.
v  Highly apprehensive of the stranger and his grotesque appearance.
v  Differently opinionated regarding his occupation – some thought him to be a criminal; others thought that he was an anarchist in disguise; weavers and other compromisers regarded all the events as supernatural.
v  Cuss got the shock of his life when he witnessed the stranger’s invisibility.
v  Mrs. Hall also went through the same ordeal
v  She witnessed the furniture going mad and believed it to be the job of spirits.
Q6. What impression do you form about ‘The Invisible Man?’ Is he able to gain the reader’s sympathy?
Value points: Griffin- an eccentric scientist,  irritable and impatient, uses his power of invisibility for  looting & killing,   though  remains  lonely – not deserves our sympathy, wants to establishes a reign of terror, his anti-social activities  lead to his death.

Q7.  Mrs. Hall was a strong woman. However, we see some flaws  in her character. In the light of this statement, attempt to describe her character.
Value points: Mrs Hall: owner of the  inn ‘Coach  and Horses’, manages business well, an opportunist- gives room on rent  without  verification  just for  money.  A nagging wife- scolds husband for drinking,   superstitious, a strong woman- refuses to serve  the  IM for not paying bill .
Q8.  Do you think that Dr. Kemp was a traitor as he cheated Griffin and let out all his secrets? Give reasons.
Value points: Griffin and Dr. Kemp  both  friends and scientists, Griffin -  an eccentric scientist-wants to hurt and kill who  comes in his way. Griffin wants to  establish reign of terror, Dr. Kemp  disapproves of it to save the  society  and  country , hence not a traitor.
Q9. Griffin was invisible. It was like having a godly power. Still he cried with helplessness. Comment.  
Value points: Griffin – not able to  adjust  with newly acquired  power, his invisibility has both advantages and disadvantages, even when being invisible, he can be caught by footprints, sounds of sneezing, cannot move in crowded places, cannot eat in public. His aggressive and anti-social activities bring about his downfall though he possesses godly power.
Q10. What is the major theme underlying the story of the Invisible Man? What has Wells tried to convey through this story?
Ans:    Through its theme, the readership is awakened to the immense possibilities in science and technology. The novel’s appearance had coincided with radical scientific discoveries such as Roentegn’s  X- rays took a leap ahead to show that some forms could be invisible. Hence becoming invisible scientifically, seemed a close probability.
To give credence to this idea, Wells created a social mix of characterization, comprising ignorant villagers of Iping, an unlettered but resourceful tramp, a learned scientist and skeptical policemen. Despite their sincerity they are embroiled in an irrational fear of the unknown which paralyses their capacity for investigation and grips them with an insane fear of the unknown.  Even the main character Griffin is a helpless pawn of ignorance as he plunges headlong into carrying out the experiment without taking measures to counter process of invisibility.
The follow-up introduced by Wells thereafter is ignorance breeds violence as a form of defence. Whenever Griffin is cornered, he resorts to maniacal acts of violence committing murder and mayhem in a bid at self-defence.
The novel also surmises that society is not welcoming of freaks.  Gory details of Griffin’s swathed and bandaged face, flapping sleeves sans arms, albino facial features and hollow eyes bring the point home chillingly.
Q11. Wells has been called the Father of Science Fiction. What characteristics enhance the story as a science fiction? Does the element of insanity put the story more or less into the realm of science fiction?
Value points: Application of the Refractive index theory-Albinism- knowledge of Physiology-that led to the protagonist’s discovery of invisibility obviously makes the novel Science Fiction. The element of invisibility gives a logical ending to the story
1.   The theme of Isolation:

The novel presents the theme of isolation through the character of Griffin, the I M. The invisible man is with no friends, no family and just no one at all. No matter wherever he lives, he remains isolate from the larger society. His formula of invisibility brings him into conflict with the society. People don’t understand him. Their distance from him makes him angry and he dreams to establish a reign of terror by his invisibility.
2.   The theme of Greed for power:
Power is definitely a big piece of theme in the novel. The invisible man touches on how knowledge – in this case, science – is power and how this can corrupt. The novel also raises questions about how a man of power should be Dr. Kemp used his power to stop Griffin from harming the society whereas Griffin used his power to decimate others.
3.   The theme of Identity:
For most part of the book, the identity of the invisible man is completely unknown to us. He starts off in lping as the ‘stranger”. He is revealed in the chapter as the invisible man, he then becomes a voice and only in chapter 17 do we learn his real name, Griffin. But identity in the invisible man is not just about people’s name, it is also about their occupations, their personalities and the role they play in their communities. We see Griffin hiding away his experiments as he did not want to share the credit for his discovery. We also see Dr. Kemp thinking of getting some recognition which will establish as a renowned scientist.
4.   The theme of Betrayal:
H.G. Wells deals with the theme of betrayal in a skilful manner. Betrayal is always is tied up with priorities. Griffin is in need of money in order to perform experiments on his formula of invisibility. His act of stealing money can be called betrayal as he gives more priority to his experiments. On the same token we want everyone to keep his friend’s secrets. But when Griffin outlines his sinister plan to establish a reign of terror and take over England, Dr, Kemp refuses to be the part of his plan. He thinks that it is his priority to save the country. So he, informs Adye, the police chief to nab Griffin. Mr. Marvel also betrays Griffin by taking his books and money.